Time delay to reenter RA for a "leaver"
This a suggestion for solving the problem of players who leave when they think that the battle is lost in Random Arenas and, may be, in Alliance Battles. I think that there is a way to try to solve this:
The suggestion is to put a time delay of 5 or 10 minutes to any leaver (or disconnected) within the first 5 minutes of a Random Arenas match, or within the first 10 minutes of an Alliance Battle match. So that the may be leaver can not enter again in another match within that time.
I think, that, by delaying the time to reenter players want be so willing to dismiss a team just because there is not a monk, to quickly reenter until they get into a team they imagin is a winner, and things like that.
It may happen that a player gets disconnected and is not a leaver, but, in my view, this would be much minor problem.